Award Winner: Dr. Gregory R. Sopel.
Horseshoe Bay Dental, in Horseshoe Bay, TX.

Dr. Gregory Sopel received the Orkos Award for excellence in a case study treating a patient with diseased periodontal tissues surrounding extensive crown and bridge work. The margins on the porcelain fused to metal crowns were originally hidden subgingivally and over time the surrounding tissues became inflamed with corresponding heavy bleeding. The problems were magnified by the extent of the crown and bridge work stretching from ear to ear.
The patient visited Dr. Sopel for the first time in March 2011. While no pocket measured more than 5mm at that initial comprehensive periodontal review, the inflammation and bleeding indicated surgical intervention and significant changes to the crown margins were needed. Dr. Sopel offered the Perio Protect Method to this patient as an alternative option in hopes of avoiding extensive surgical work, crown reparations, and all of the associated costs. As Dr. Sopel explained the associations between chronic gingival inflammation, bleeding and systemic diseases and described the non-invasive approach. He also cautioned the patient that some surgery could still be necessary. The cost of the surgical plan and crown restorations was estimated at over ten thousand of dollars.
The patient agreed to try the non-invasive approach first, and Dr. Sopel prescribed Perio Trays and medication. With good patient compliance the treatment worked well. Bleeding on probing decreased significantly (33 sites to 3 sites), tissue inflammation subsided, and, at the patient’s most recent hygiene visit only one pocket measured 4mm. The rest were 3mm or less. At this time, Dr. Sopel has decided that surgery is no longer warranted and that redoing the extensive crown margins can be reduced to rebuilding one crown.
The patient was so happy with his results that he began to tell people about his treatment success and his dentist. In fact, Dr. Sopel was first identified as an award candidate because of the patient’s enthusiasm. He called and mentioned that he could be the spokesperson for Perio Protect and highly recommended his dentist.
We congratulated them both. Learn more information about the prescription Perio Tray® from Perio Protect.