Award Winner: Dr. Martin L. Schroeder.
Schroeder Family Dentistry in Biglerville, PA.

Dr. Martin Schroeder received the Orkos Award for excellence in a case study treating a patient with severe periodontal disease. Before treatment, the patient had very deep pockets, measuring up to 9mm, with 69% of all sites bleeding upon probing. A prior dentist had referred him to a specialist who had recommended surgery. The patient sought a second opinion from Dr. Schroeder to learn if the Perio Protect Method might help him avoid surgery. Dr. Schroeder explained that the Perio Protect approach starts with the prescription tray delivery of medication, followed by mechanical debridement, then scaling and root planing as needed. He also cautioned that this patient’s condition was very serious and that surgery may be needed. The patient committed to the treatment. As evidence of his commitment, he even quit smoking.
After the patient had used the prescription tray to deliver medication for approximately 3 weeks, he returned for a follow up visit. No pocket measured more than 6mm and bleeding was reduced to 9%. That day a full mouth debridement was done and the next appointment was scheduled. The patient continued to use the tray delivery of medication at home between appointments. When he returned six weeks later, there was no bleeding and the deepest pocket was 4mm, save one 5mm pocket. Site specific scaling and root planing was done. At the recall appointment 6 weeks later, there was no bleeding and no pockets deeper than the accepted normal depth of 3mm.
By following the homecare protocol with the tray and medication, the patient not only avoided surgery, but scaling and root planing was reduced from four visits of quadrant procedures to one visit. Within weeks of treatment, the patient reported that he “feels better.” He was so happy with the results of the minimally invasive approach to treat his infected gums that he decided to have restorative work done.
Note about the above charts: In Dr. Schroeder's office, all pocket depths measuring 1-3mm are charted as 3mm, reflecting his primary concern for bleeding pockets and deep and bleeding pockets.
Learn more information about the prescription Perio Tray® from Perio Protect.